General case
Open court cases
Of the more than 1,400 people investigated in criminal proceedings since September 2017, more than 780 have been closed, either because the bailiff or the Public Prosecutor’s Office have failed to collect sufficient incriminating principles or because the investigating judge has concluded that there is not enough evidence to continue with the indictment and observes no evidence of any crime. In any case, more than 200 people have come to trial, with similar results between acquittals and convictions. There are currently around 400 people facing an open criminal case, pending trial and/or on trial, some for more than six years.
Police violence of 1 October
Case against the referenum organization (Investigating Court no. 13 of Barcelona)
Mayors investigated for organising 1 October
Court of Auditors
Operation Judes
Secret case 104/2017
Post-sentence demonstrations
Operation Volhov
Secret Tsunami Democràtic case
Case against the international activity of the Catalan government (Investigating Court no. 18 of Barcelona)
Sentences of more than two years in prison with open appeals
Electoral Commission
Other open proceedings
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